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Trump visits NYPD precinct to support first responders on 9/11

Trump visits NYDP precinct to support first responders on 9/11

Former President Donald Trump visits a New York Police Department precinct to show support for first responders on the 20th Anniversary of 9/11 – Via Newsmax’s ‘Saturday Agenda.’

Trump visits NYPD to honor first responders

Trump:  All of a sudden, we have a rigged election and all of a sudden, we are fleeing Afghanistan.  You know that’s why what timing.  What horrible timing.  The 20th anniversary.  And I watched the speeches and not one person spoke about the fact that three days ago.  We fled Afghanistan and we left Americans behind and others too.  Edwin left $85 Billion worth of the best equipment ever made.  Much of it that I bought.  They left behind.  We could have stayed there for one month or three years.  They weren’t going to be able to do anything.  But they left and there was a vacuum.  And then they came in and felt the vacuum and whoever thought of this,  a five year old would have said the goes out last and that’s what they wanted. They couldn’t believe they were leaving.  So, it was gross incompetence and I hate to talk about it on this day.  But people are saying why are they talking about what the Hell.  We did.

Trump talking to a person in the audience:  So, I think you’re going to be very happy.  Mr. President.  Yes, please, Yeah, it’s truly an honor to thank you,  my honor.  I got a question for you.  If you are elected again, you know which we strongly hope that you will be.  Would strongly consider having days of recognition for the outstanding service of men and women? Police departments around the country.  I would hope that I speak on behalf of the entire country.  If you try and consider having more recognition to the outstanding achievements and accomplishments of the police officers.

Trump answers: I think its an incredible question. I’ve never been asked that question before, and its should be as the first time ever is the first time.  That’s a great question.  And yet I’ve answered every question from everybody.  So, I guess my answer is Yes,  I think they deserve it. 

Trump speaks:  We’re getting a lot of money.  Billions of dollars for the victims.  You remember the signing I had with the Police Department, the Fire Department and many others.  That was on my watch.  I saw they  are talking about it today, but they had nothing to do with it.  I had,  nobody mentioned I have to mention it myself.  But you know, we had some of the poetic one or two of the people right from your precinct were there.  But we had a great ceremony in the Rose Garden.  It was a massive amount of money for the victims and the families people  Died in the World Trade Center.  Its hard to believe, but they were trying to that for a long time, long time.

Before I was there, and I got it and today they were talking about it, and nobody mentioned my name.   And that’s okay because that’s the way it is.  You know, the other side was trying to take credit for it.  They had nothing to do with it.  I just think that’s a really good point.  Okay thank you, thank you.

Question:  Mr. President,  I want to say thank you for coming down here, we all appreciate it.

I appreciate it.

Question:  Mr. President, we appreciate you. You don’t get enough credit.

Trump:  I had a very strong conversation with Abdul Ghani Karaca from the Taliban and I will tell you we told him and this, if you hurt any American soldiers you’re going to be hit harder than any country has ever been hit.  And he understood that we have a very good conversation.

And we didn’t lose one soldier in 18 months.  And yet you look at these cities and that’s in

Chicago and in one week 88 people were shot.  Many people dies and the same thing here.  If they’d let you do our job, you could do this very quickly.  You do it very quickly. 

In Afghanistan for 18 months, we had no soldiers killed.  Because of what I said to them.  They respected it, nor would they have come in and do what they did now.  They wouldn’t have even come close and every time they did, we hit them back hard.  Now they have our place,  how about that?  They have the planes and that we were using to hit them.  Why the hell didn’t we fly them out.  Would have taken and send 200 pilots fly them all out.  It’s a horrible thing that took place. An embarrassment and the likes of which our country has never been embarrassed before.  We’ve never had anything like this happened.  It looked like we retreated.  It looked like we gave up.  Like they used the word surrender.  And we didn’t t surrender.  Our people didn’t surrender and our soldiers sure as hell didn’t surrender.  And you never surrender.  You could straighten out this city.  If you had proper leadership. You could straighten out this city in one week.  And the incredible thing about you,  you know who the bad guys are.  Because you see them, and you get taunted by them. I know what happens,  they taunt you and you’re not allowed to do anything.  You have to sit back and take it.  Now the old days when I was growing up in Brooklyn and Queens, they didn’t have to take that.  They didn’t know they were tough guys.  But no tougher than you.  The advantage you have is you know who the bad ones are.  And you could stop it so fast if they let you, but they don’t want to do that.  And so, you have these crime statistics that are crazy.  I mean, the only one they go after is, uh republicans Army they go after me, Prosecutors go after me.  Did he do a deal 20 years ago?  It’s a disgrace,  but if you murder somebody, no problem.  And then the no cash bail has to be killing you guys.  Will you have the no cash bail? It’s a disaster if they would let you do your job with guys like this, if they would let you do your job. You would have it all cleaned up and done nod.  Because if you do not, you’ll get in trouble.  If you could do your job, you wouldn’t have crime in New York. 

I just want to thank you,  you are incredible people.  I want to thank you for that endorsement.  That endorsement meant so much.  Now in all fairness.  I don’t think any police department any where endorsed the other guy.  I think I get 90, Ive gotten close to 100%.  There a couple of strays everywhere.  We re trying to figure out who they are already.  But we got the military.  We did great great with the military.  We did great with the military.  Incredible with police and fire, So I just want to thank you. 

Yes, please one more question Mr. President.  If you decide not to run for president, would you consider running for Major of New York City.  Well, that an interesting question,  I would love that.  I tell you;  we could straighten that city.  I’d say fellas good luck go to town.  I will be announcing one week from now.  There is no crime in this, what the hell.  That would be such an easy job. But I appreciate that question.  That’s cool.  If I give you even a positive little like jokingly say Trumps running for Mayor.  No if they let your job, look at that be very proud again.  But its very embarrassing for a city of turning our city very badly.  They talk about it all over the World. The crime.  When you have Antifa running down the streets and burning down your buildings and all of this, and they don’t do anything about it.  Can’t go on for much longer. 

You are incredible men and women and thank you all very much. I’m with you all the way and to answer your question.  Back to the answer, yes, thank you Good Luck everybody. Thank you!

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