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Calls for Biden Impeachment

Calls for Biden Impeachment by many commentators on several news stations. Listen to Steve Hilton from Fox News. “The Next Revolution host asserts that the president is clearly incapable of carrying out his duties properly.”

Calls for Biden Impeachment –  Comments from Steve Hilton, Fox News

Steve Hilton from the Next Revolution on Fox News speaks.  I’m Steve Hilton and this is a Positive Populism, Pro-Family, Pro-Community and especially Pro-America Program.  Many members of congress have said Biden should be removed from office using the 25th amendment. Of course, he showed you don’t have to look at the stumbling, bumbling performance.  He is clearly incapable of carrying out his duty properly.  He thinks he went to the Synagogue after the mass shooting, but it was a phone call one year later.  They must tell him where he is facing with reporters to call on and if he can’t run his own press conference.

The people around Biden know how bad it is but the last thing that they will do is invoke the 25th amendment. A weak puppet who signs whatever they put in front of him. That is the point of Biden.  Biden’s mental incapacity is not a bug,  it’s a feature,  it is why he is there, 46 members of Congress think Biden should resign and of course he should anyone with the slightest decency or responsibility if they’ve done this much damage to the reputation and authority of the Country, they would resign by now.  But we know Biden won’t. He’s a vein health inflating machine politician plotting and scheming to get this job his entire life.  No joke Biden.  He said in his early 20’s,  the first time he met the parents of his first wife.  They asked what he wanted to be, he stated he wanted to be President, and they asked President of what and he said the United States.  What kind of person talks like that and thinks like that.  He is a sociopath with a narcissistic personality disorder.  Someone like that has no shame.  Biden is not going to re-sign.  How will they be accountability for the needless deaths the debacle,  the National disgrace.

Mitch McConnell says the midterms, there will be accountability. What is he talking about?  Biden is not on the ballot in the Midterms,  Biden’s Border Crisis and the Crime surge and the disastrous handling of the Pandemic that will be part of the calculation voters making 2022.

Biden is responsible for the biggest foreign policy catastrophe in American History.  It wasn’t just a mistake, it wasn’t just the policy that went wrong,  it was cold, calculated cruelty. Deliberately entered for political reasons against the advice of the people on the ground, you can’t just throw in the mix alongside rising inflation in healthcare costs.  If the President can do this much damage to the country in this derelict in his duty to cause the death of 13 American servicemen and women and countless others without rebuke, with out any direct consequences.  What does that say about the health of our democracy?  People say you can vote against him in 2024 and someone might put it, come on man, who thinks Biden will be in any shape  to run again.  The idea that he slips out of the White House in any accountability is unconscionable and unacceptable.  We are left with only one option.  We are left with only one option, Biden’s behavior in the circumstances requiring Biden must be impeached, and other members of Congress have reached that conclusion,  with the threshold of high crimes and misdemeanors. There is no question, none.  The Biden’s behavior rises to that level.

There are 13 members of the United States Military, hundreds of civilians, Afghans, and others have known to guide outside of the gates of the Kabul Airport of suicide bomber,  all of these deaths were preventable and would’ve been prevented if not for the specific actions of the President.  He said his military advisers told him to abandon Bagram Airfield. That is not true.  Out task was to protect the Embassy and the Embassy Personnel in the Consult Service and all of that.  If we wanted to keep Bagram Airbase and the Embassy going that would be a significant number of Military forces that would’ve succeeded or stayed the same or exceeded what we had.  The decision was made. It was Biden’s decision that gave the Generals note  choice but to abandon Bagram airways.  He said predicted the chaos.  Then told his committee did not say back in June or July that this will collapse like you did.  That is not true of State Department ready by secretary.  The President was warned of the Taliban take over on the 31st deadline and Biden insisted on keeping it anyway.

Calls for Biden Impeachment

The Leaked phone call:  We now know from the leaked phone call with Biden and the President of Afghanistan, and he told Biden by the end of July how close things were to collapse.  Biden ignored that too.  In the single most damning piece of evidence, we now know even after the record advance,  the Taliban effort to allow the U.S. to control all of Kobal not just the airport.  Biden kept saying there’s no alternative,  that is not true.  There was an alternative and he rejected it. As a direct result of these decisions, countless Americans have been left stranded behind enemy lines.  Biden promise not to leave until all Americans were out.  If there is American citizens left we will stay until we get them out.  That was August the 18th and look where we are today.

We are hopeful in the coming days the Qatari’s will be able to resume air service out of Global and if they do we are obviously going to look to see if Americans can be a part of those flights. 

Steve:  We hope some other country can get them out we will look to see.  We are losing.  We actually don’t give a crap about the American citizens that we swore to protect we don’t give a crap that the President of the United States made days ago. All they care about is a demented PR Scam to get Biden a sick mission accomplished moment on September the 11th.  They keep saying they will help get Americans out.  About Americans in Afghanistan tells us they want to stay from now and then in a week or month or year, they will reach out and say I changed my mind,  we will help them leave.  Steve:  literally the day after he said that his own department issued a travel advisory telling Americans to make arrangements and do not rely on U.S. Government Assistance.  The President of the United States has knowingly deliberately left hundreds, probably many more of his own citizens in the hands of a murderous band of terrorists.  He talks about their assurances.  The time a man has made public commitments broadcast on television and radio across Afghanistan.  On safe passage for anyone he wanted to leave including those who worked alongside Americans.

Steve:  Public commitments yells Biden.  Here’s what the Taliban public commitment from the New York Times, Human Rights established that 44 people were taken from their homes and executed July and the Town all 44 have received amnesty letters from the television.  The Taliban sent them letters and then they killed them.  That is how Biden intends to protect the lives of the American he left behind.  The most sacred promise of the U.S. Military is leave no one behind.  Biden left hundreds maybe thousands behind and if a Commander in the Military did this they would face a Court-Martial.  Compounding his crime far from ending the forever war as Biden put that equate tries to claim. He restarted it, listen to this, devastating assessment who says with Biden a Defense Secretary and CIA Chief.  I don’t think there’s a question that our National Security is threatened by what is happened there is no question.

That they will provide a safe haven for Al-Qaeda and ISIS and other terrorists to be able to reorganize, strengthen themselves again and potentially use Afghanistan as a base for attaching, not just the United States but other countries as well.

Steve;  Biden caused the Death of 13 Service members and  deliberately left hundreds of known identifiable Americans and he has knowingly created a new safe haven for Terrorist attach of American when an alternative would’ve protected America and protected Americans with available but rejected.  If all that is impeachable, I don’t know what it, this must be a test to Republicans.

Biden promised competence but brought chaos but promised compassion to give his cruelty.  He has betrayed our allies, broken his trust, brought shame and humiliation on the President in the great country but our contempt to this utterly discredited despicable man.

To learn more about Biden’s chaos and crisis in Afghanistan. Click Here