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Watters: This feels like a war has begun

Jesse:  Thank you,

As Putin makes moves, our leaders are struggling for Answers.  Joe Biden spoke to the American People today and seemed detached.  

Russia has moved troops closer to Ukraine’s Border with Russia.  Russia’s Navel vessels are maneuvering in the Black Sea to Ukraine’s South including amphibious assault ships.  Missile cruisers and submarines.  Russia has moved supplies blood and medical equipment into position on their border. You don’t need blood unless you plan on starting a war.  

Jesse:  This does feel like a war has begun.  It didn’t take long for Americans to feel it in their Bank Account. Global economy shuttered, and Oil is close to 100 bucks a barrel.  Gas prices up nearly a dollar a gallon since last year and after this, heading to 4 bucks a gallon.  But the very first time Biden admitted OH, this might affect you, was today,  and it is just the beginning. Defending freedom will have cost for us as well and here at home.  We need to be honest about that. We’re closely monitoring energy supplies for any destruction.  This will blunt gas prices.  I want to limit the page to the American people are feeling at the gas pump.  

Jessie: Biden says he has a plan.  I hope its better than his plan to crush the virus.  Right now, looks like Putin gets Ukraine and we get higher gas prices. We at ” Jesse Watters Primetime”  wanted to know what the American people thought about this jump at the pump, so today, we hit the streets.

The American People tell Fox News: 

Fox News asks: What do you think about these high gas prices?  Some answers:  I think they are ridiculous.  They are ridiculous.   Insane.  Too Expensive. It’s a lot.  It’s Horrible,  It’s $5.29 near here.   I can’t afford that. 

How much does it cost you to fill up your tank?  My tank,  80 bucks.  Over 100.  About $100.   Other places cost about $50.   $60.   $110 for regular.  Russia just invaded Ukraine and The Gas Prices are going to go up big time.

What’s Joe Biden to do?  Resign

You think about the people living in America, that’s it.

We definitely have to quell it because if this keeps happening, we are going to have to park our cars.  He is going to do these sanctions on supposedly, right? Russia? 

But that’s not going to help us any because the prices are going to go up.  The gas prices are already up a dollar under Joe Biden.  Way more than a dollar. Its double. It’s definitely double.  

What has he been doing wrong?  Everything.

Maybe he could wake up.  We have a whole lit.  He is focused too much on big ideas and his legacy and less on what’s hurting the individual consumer every day.

He needs to really focus on what’s going on over here as far as inflation, prices, everything is going up.

I don’t think Biden is really focusing on the real issues of what Americans need.  How much more can you take?  I think of it now. That means I didn’t take a lot more.  If that happens I’m taking a bus or a train. Not much more, and I guess the rich don’t have to worry about these things. 

Any message to Joe Biden about the Gas Prices?  Focus on America and forget about everybody else.  Take care of America and all Americans.  Don’t let the gas prices go up. Get them lower, we don’t believe in Russia and Ukraine. Can you definitely leave office.  That would be great.

Jessie:  People don’t care about Russia or Ukraine the way the Europeans do.  We care about our money and our borders and our safety.  We just want Biden to do something for us for once. Not as donors not the allies and his family members. Just once for us..

He is begging the Saudis to throw him a bone and pump some more oil.  But they are standing by their new friends, Russia. And giving us the middle finger.  So Joe is running out of friends and options.

He spent years telling us he was Putin’s worst enemy. “Fact is that I have gone head to head with Putin and made it clear to him we’re not going to take any of this stuff.   Putin know if I am President of the United States his days of Tyranny and tried position to  intimidate the United States are over.  I’m going to stand up to him, he is a bully.”

Jessie:  That’s just tough talk.  That’s all that was.  The minute Joe got into office, he dropped sanctions on Russia’s pipeline to Germany and he killed our pipeline from Canada.  

I have been opposed to Nord Stream 2 from the beginning.  But it’s almost done – its almost completed.  Go ahead and pull sanctions now,  I think counter productive in terms of our European relations.

Jesse: Biden also signaled to Russia that a minor incursion into Ukraine may not really be that big a deal.  Remember?

Russia will be held accountable, if it invades and it depends on what it does.  Its one thing if its a minor incursion and we end up having to fight about what to do and not do, Et Cetera.   

Jesse: Vlad noticed that he noticed how we left Afghanistan, without Honor and Expertise.   Putin decided to invade Ukraine after witnessing that mess.

Putin telegraphed is imperialistic desires, George Bush saw it Obama saw it now.  It’s happening under Joe Biden.  He went into Georgia, Crimea and Ukraine.  But the media blames this latest invasion,  you guessed it on Trump.  And we’ll get to that a little later in the show.

Russian troops have already invaded the Pro-Russian regions of the Ukraine so how much further into the Country are they going to go? And will Russia go into Poland or the Baltic Nations? And at what point are we going to start sending large numbers of Americans to NATO countries?  Well, according to the “New York Times” it’s already started.  With Biden sending a thousand to 5,000 American Troops to Eastern European Countries with the potential to increase that number 10 fold if things deteriorated officials said.

Those 5,000 troops from the 82nd Airborne Division have already been deployed to Poland where they are bracing for the worst. And prepping to process thousands of refugees who, I’m sure, Biden will fly right here into America.  But if Biden increases their presence 10 fold, that means we may have as many as 50,000 Troops in Eastern Europe on High Alert.

So if Putin continues his dream of patching the old Soviet Empire back together, are we prepared to risk our sons to fight a ground war in Eastern Europe?  Over a nation like Estonia? That’s a very legitimate Question and it’s not an easy one.  Nothing against the wonderful people of Estonia, I mean, that country has the same population as Maine. We have a treaty, I know.  If Article 45 is triggered, what happens?  Are American behind this in 2022?  

At a certain point when do the Nations of Germany and France step up and police their own constituent continent.  

Biden is running out of time.  Lucky for us he has one option left.  He can call in the one man out there with long-time experience in the region.  Someone who knows the Ukraine inside and out.  Someone who knows European Energy Policy and has done big Business with Moscow.  

Watters: This feels like war

Ladies and Gentlemen, I think it’s time to deploy America’s top diplomat.