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Trump and Gutfeld Interview

Greg Gutfeld sits down with former President Donald Trump to discuss a range of topics.

Gutfield:  With regular bed rest and plenty of fresh vegetables presents the meeting of the mines Part One Trump versus Gutfeld.  That’s right our fires ever one-on-one.  Sit down with the man himself.  Okay he sat and I stood but you could hardly tell the difference.  It’s true, I headed down to Bedminster new Jersey to interview the former President and our conversations covered many topics from Afghanistan to the economy.  But mostly we focused on me and how I’m making late night TV great again.

Gutfield: But the interview spanned far an side and much like Kat applying her hair extensions.  I want to use every single piece of it and now part one with Donald Trump. Great to see you Mr. President

Trump:  Thank you much for having me.

Gutfield: And now part one with Donald trump. Great to see you Mr. President.

Trump: Thank you very much Greg.  Thank you for having me.

Gutfield:  The most important question I have to ask you is how about my ratings?

Trump:  Your ratings are fabulous.  I just saw your not the king of late nights.  Ratings are fabulous.  I mean your beating some very untalented people to be honest with you.  So, I’m not so sure how great that is but they are bad and it’s about time somebody came in and you’re really beating them badly.

Gutfield:  Great I feel kind of guilty about it because I feel like I’m beating up unarmed people.  Well, they’re not very talented.

Trump: So congratulation.

Gutfield:  I’m mildly talented.

Trump: They’re just untalented well and you’re very different. Very different.

Gutfield:  Yes I am very different, speaking of – Do you remember?  Speaking of you remember how much I hated you for that period of time.

Trump: There was a period of time when you weren’t a fan and then you started noticing that things were getting done and you said. You know I may not like him, but look we have a good economy, we have good military we have good everything right? And then you started and now I think I don’t know if its love, but it’s getting close. Or maybe it it’s not.  I wouldn’t say its love, but I would say its admiration.

Gutfield:  And also admitting that I was wrong.  Because I was focusing on words and not deeds.  And now we’re at a time where, there are no more mean tweets.  And we have a nice President. The country is in the crapper, so who would you rather have?  Well, I don’t know that he’s a nice President.

Trump:  I’m not sure about that, but I can tell you. The country has never been more unsafe.  We have people pouring in through our Southern Border which everyone’s forgetting about right now. Because of the travesty of Afghanistan.  If you look at the people coming in by the hundreds of the thousands, these are not the people necessarily that wanted the protection, right? These are people so, they are terrorists, how many terrorists are coming in and they were aggressive at the plan and they pushed their ways, you know their way onto the plane why do you think that Democrats have such a problem with like the incentive, incentivization like they, if you introduce friction on the border you reduce immigration they don’t understand that what is the problem.  With that how can they not see that I really believe its gross incompetence.  And the only thing good for them about Afghanistan is it makes what they’re doing on the border look good because that was the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen.

Yeah, we don’t want a wall we don’t want this.  Well just let people come through, it’s a disaster at the borders. This was the safest border we’ve ever had and now it’s the worst.  That unites all of them.  It is a lack of the process they have, do not understand the process.

We just want order. I want to line and negate people that can walk through and legally and legally get vetted.  Strongly vetted, but when you think that they move the military out first. I think he made a mistake.  When they did it, they were all screaming at him, but when he said that since President Trump he calls it the past administration, signed the deal one shot at or think of that you know why because they knew the consequences and our conditions were tough.  Who would moved out the military first.  The military should go out last and safely.  Those 13 great soldiers and the 200 people were killed and a lot of people were badly injured.  It shouldn’t have happened do you think?

There are many topics covered in a two part series.  Visit Gutfeld on Fox News YouTube Channel to get the full version.

Trump and Gutfeld Interview