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War In America?

War In America ?  Clayton Morris and JJ Carrell talk about the problems in Chicago and various other cites in America.  

A war is coming to the United States and it will happen in months not years. 24 year veteran of the Customs and Border Protection JJ Carrell has uncovered the truth of what’s happening with Biden’s border invasion. He explains how this war will start in black communities first who are being crushed by the tyranny of illegal immigration. Chicago is where it’s coming to a head.

Transcript:  Clayton Morris –  Well a ware is coming to the United States in months not years.  Former 24 year veteran of the Customs and Border Protection JJ Carroll just uncovered the truth of what’s happening with Biden’s Border invasion and the war will start in Black Communities.  That’s  where it’s going to start fires t.  Listen to JJ in Chicago talking with Black Citizens who are being crushed right now under the weight of illegal immigrants.

JJ Carrell talks to people in the streets of Chicago: This is America there’s a problem and the people have a problem with Trump? What are you crazy?  Biden did this it is not Trump. Exactly the Democratic party in this city hates poor black people and I’m talking about all of the Democratic party, the black caucus and everybody else this is a fact that have started this.  People how do you know that.  How do you know that? because I’ve been in politics for the last 25 years, ran for city council twice, they have no intentions for American citizens especially Black America Poor Black People in this city are Obsolete. 

Clayton Morris:  JJ joins me now fresh off of this trip.  JJ its great to see you again and you know you’ve obviously confronted some of the most unbelievable circumstances as it relates to the Southern Border in the United States.  Some of the most dangerous circumstances that you faced with arrests.  How does Chicago far away from the Southern Border. How does Chicago stack up with what you’re used to at the Southern Border?

JJ Carrell:  Chicago is a war zone and it is forgotten. Trump called it the Forgotten America, forgotten Americans.  So the reason why I went to Chicago is, I believe it is ground Zero of the invasion.  This is the manifestation of treason.  It’s going to work from the coastlines in through the inner cities of major metropolitan areas.  That gentleman, that you showed in the video “Mark Carter,” is an activist.  Mark Carter Excuse me is an activist in Chicago he took me down to the Southside .  I had to be escorted down there because of the gang violence, and all of the issues there.  Their local government has poured over 3 billion dollars into their Community for the illegal aliens, not their Community but for illegal aliens.  And they are being systematically pushed out of their communities like Englewood it is something I have never witnessed before. I feel like I’m traveled, I’m smart, I’ve been to places, I’m telling you when you go down to the Southside, it is desperate.  It is desperate, hopeless, violent and would say one of four one out of vice houses are dilapidated and shuttered up, the other four need to be shuttered.  Businesses are closed and shuttered up, there’s no industry.  they are bringing illegal aliens from majority form Venezuela and they are moving locals out of their communities.  Let me give you an example they the city of Chicago paid black residents that were living in these dilapidated shacks if you will, $1,000 to move out.  Well why would the landlords in Chicago want them to move out of $1,000 because each illegal alien has $9,000 attached to them for rent assistance.   So they’re moving them out and moving them in now. 

JJ continues: Clayton I talked to mega church black pastors.  Street Pastors.  Violent gang members that have come out of prison.  That are trying to reform their community been in prison for murder for 21 years another one murder for 26 years and soup kitchen workers.  Everyone in-between down on the South side of Chicago Black Residents, Black Americans and they all say to me.  Men and woman they say we’re going to war and it took me back for a second. And I was like okay lets’ clarify what war is and they said whatever we have to do to maintain and protect our community. And a Black Pastor the rooftop Pastor the AKS rooftop Pastor that Tucker Carlson interviewed for many many months.  As he sat on top of the building during the winter months because of the prostitution crime that was across the street from his church Pastor Brooks talked me we are within one black teenager, be rapped by these Venezuelan gangs or black Venezuelan gangs killing a black gang member or vice versa and Chicago is going to explode.  Explode everyone knows it is coincidental which I don’t believe in coincident.  Last month or excuse me last week DNC comes out and says well we-re really kind of rethinking the Chicago KNC Convention.  We might do it remote, they know it as well as I, that this is a powder cake ready to explode. Yeah you have to hold the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, I mean what do you have to show for it.  I mean as we talked about it with Mark the Activist.  Yeah you know he’s says you’re seeing Democrats have destroyed the city so you’re going to bring the Democratic National Convention there,  I mean you’re right, this is a absolute Powder Keg moment and I think you know we throw this term War around a lot.  But since we have been talking over the past few days, this idea I’ve though it was going to be a civil war. We’ve been think of this term Civil War in the United States against Americans, right now but I think it’s not what you saw in Chicago.  What you’re seeing with your documentary is treason.  What you’re uncovering is it is an invasion and it is a repelling of an invasion that will be the war Americans coming together and they hate that I mean absolutely the powers that be would hate that Republicans and the Democrats. Maga Americans and liberal Democrat’s would come together and say enough is enough, we want to take our country back and maybe I’m wrong but it is that where you see this war unfolding or how this war would unfold it would be a civil war.  It would be a repelling of this invasion as a war I absolutely believe that and my mindset is changing as I going to these communities and I’m going to Boston and New Your next.   I knew Chicago was the epicenter and you’re right what scares the power structures more than anything Clayton is a bib white man standing next to a big black man.  Both Alpha Males one in law enforcement and one in the prison system and realizing we have enormous amounts in common. 

Both Clayton and JJ continue to discuss this subject. JJ goes into more detail about the NGO’s who bring the illegal aliens. JJ discusses the Darian Gap to Chicago. He also talks about the housing of the immigrants and how they are well taken care of while US citizens are being forgotten.   This video is very good and goes into great detail about Chicago and the homeless problems.  The Police Department is not prepared for what is to come.  The Black Citizens are being trampled under the foot of illegal immigration by the Democrat’s.  

If you desire to learn more about JJ Carrell we suggest you visit his channel and website.  JJ also has a book he wrote about the Invasion:

invadedThe Intentional Destruction of the American Immigration System

2023 – Border patrols – 237 pages
“In the final year of the Trump Presidency, the border was within reach of being secure as the daily arrests had dwindled to the lowest numbers in Border Patrol history. Nations south of our border that once violated our nation’s sovereignty and blatantly disrespected our nation, now adhered to our strong President who forced those nations to heel and show our great nation respect. On January 20, 2021, everything changed. President Biden has intentionally destroyed the American immigration system through the manipulation of DHS policies and laws. Never before in American history has our nation been invaded by millions of foreigners all with the encouragement and direct assistance of the United States government. The once proud United States Border Patrol has been forced to participate in the unlawful smuggling of millions of illegal aliens to their final destinations across America. Morale within the DHS does not exist. Within the first two years of Biden’s Presidency, over 5,000,000 illegal aliens have been arrested and millions have been fraudulently released into our nation. Another 10,000,000 have absconded undetected because hundreds of miles of the southern border are open with not one single Border Patrol Agent actively patrolling. Our nation faces a crisis created by both political parties that if left to continue will destroy our nation from within. There is no greater threat to our Republic than the invasion of millions of foreigners that do not share our language, culture or our shared values and beliefs.”–


If you want to learn more about Redacted and Clayton Morris visit his channel and website.