by Cory | Oct 31, 2021 | Trump Interviews
Donald Trump Grades Biden Administration Donald Trump Grades Biden – Judge Jeanine Pirro sits down with former President Donald Trump to discuss a range of issues. Judge Jeanine interviews President Trump on many topics. We have most of the interview below....
by Cory | Oct 29, 2021 | Border Crisis
Biden to Pay Illegal Immigrants Tucker Carlson reports current Biden Administration plans for Illegal Immigrants to receive around $450,000 a person in compensation due to the separation of children during the Trump Administration. Good Evening and Welcome to the...
by Cory | Oct 7, 2021 | Border Crisis, Sleepy Joe
Governors rip into Biden’s Border Policies Governors rip into Biden’s Border Policies – Joe Biden has done absolutely nothing to confront this self-inflicted crisis. President Biden thinks that he can ignore this humanitarian and security crisis and it will go...
by Cory | Oct 6, 2021 | Border Crisis, Vaccine Mandates
Border Patrol Whistleblower: Agents must be vaccinated by Nov. 1 or be fired ! Border Patrol Whistleblower states: Biden’s New Vaccine Policy A Whistle-Blower, A U.S. Border Patrol stated that Agents have until November 1st to get the vaccine or be fired. ...